News in the 21st Century

From printed news in the form of newspapers, newsletters, magazines, handouts and fliers to blogs, websites, videos and apps – till date, this century has seen so many changes in the way people consume news. With a mix of generations comes a mix in preference of media, too! Some like it the old fashioned way […]

The Impact of App Store Optimization

With the rise of smartphones, smart TVs, and tablets, applications or apps for short, have been all the rage. With a total of 5 million apps on both, Google Play store and App Store, the app market is filled with apps fit for every single task, requirement, and need that exists. It’s safe to say […]

Protect Your Phone With the Help of a Safety Expert – Protectstar

  Protect Your Phone With the Help of a Safety Expert – Protectstar How great would it be if you had an app to protect your phone from almost every security concerns. Protectstar is your answer, and they offer number security solutions for your phone 24/7. The app is very easy to set up on […]